Cummins Inc. values global supply partners who share our commitment to quality and value, but who also operate under a philosophy that focuses on integrity and "doing the right thing."

To support that philosophy, Cummins has a Code of Business Conduct for our employees and a Supplier Code of Conduct specifically for its supply base worldwide. The supplier code outlines the Company's expectations that all suppliers will comply with certain business and ethical standards and to the laws of their respective countries, all other applicable laws, rules and regulations. The code applies to all businesses that produce goods or provide services for Cummins and any of our subsidiaries, joint ventures, divisions or affiliates.

Seven main topics are covered by the Supplier Code of Conduct, including equal employment opportunity and treatment of others, the environment, forced and child labor, wages and hours, working conditions, freedom of association, political activity and bribery/corruption of government officials. Compliance with the principles of the Cummins Supplier Code of Conduct is required to do business with Cummins.

Cummins also requires a verification response from all suppliers before they are added to our supplier database. Since we do business around the world, we have translated the code and response letter into 14 languages so that our intentions and expectations are clear. For more information, consult the section below.

Concerns about a potential code violation contact: [email protected].

Supplier Code of Conduct Tools and Resources

Before your company can be entered into the Global Supplier Master, your Cummins contact will ask you to read and respond to the Supplier Code of Conduct and compliance link. Please confirm your compliance to our SCOC via the link below. Also, all documents are provided in the languages listed below.

Supplier Code of Conduct Compliance Form

Supplier Code of Conduct – English (PDF, 0.07MB)

Other Translations

Supplier Code of Conduct – Chinese (供应商行为准则)     
Supplier Code of Conduct – Czech (Kodex chování pro dodavatele)     
Supplier Code of Conduct – Dutch (Leverancier Gedragscode)     
Supplier Code of Conduct – French (Fournisseur Code de conduite)     
Supplier Code of Conduct – German (Verhaltenskodex für Zulieferer)     
Supplier Code of Conduct – Hindi      
Supplier Code of Conduct – Italian (Codice di condotta del fornitore)      
Supplier Code of Conduct – Japanese ( サプライヤー 行動規範)      
Supplier Code of Conduct – Korean (공급업체 윤리 강령)      
Supplier Code of Conduct – Polish (Dostawca Kodeks postępowania)      
Supplier Code of Conduct – Portuguese (Código de conduta do fornecedor)      
Supplier Code of Conduct – Romanian (Furnizor Codul de conduită)      
Supplier Code of Conduct – Spanish (Código de conducta del proveedor)      
Supplier Code of Conduct – Turkish (Tedarikçi Davranış Kuralları)

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