
Detailed Lessons

Business Continuity Planning Leader

(Not Applicable for this playbook.)

Crisis Command Team Introduction

Lesson 1: Command and Control

Lesson 2: Response

Lesson 3: Risk

Lesson 4: Crisis Management

Lesson 5: Legal

Lesson 6: Communication and Record Keeping

Emergency Response Team Introduction

Lesson 1: Safe Person

Lesson 2: Threat, Risk and Situational Awareness

Lesson 3: Command and Control

Lesson 4: Emergency Response

Lesson 5: Life Support

Lesson 6: Sites and Utilities

Lesson 7: Environment and Communities

Lesson 8: Communications and Record Keeping

Lesson 9: Interaction between the Emergency Response Team and the Crisis Communication Team

Lesson 10: Legal

Emergency Response Leader

(Not Applicable for this playbook.)


Document (linked)


Good Practice Guide 4: Risk

It is appropriate that organizations identify the key operational risks that have the potential to cause business disruption. Once identified a risk register should be compiled and regularly reviewed. Business continuity plans should reflect and outline these risks and detail mitigation strategies. These identified risks should also have

documented emergency action plans, crisis response plans, and recovery strategies. It is best practice to train against, and test these plans regularly.