
Detailed Lessons

Record Keeper

(Not Applicable for this playbook.)

Crisis Command Team Introduction

Lesson 1: Command and Control

Lesson 2: Response

Lesson 3: Risk

Lesson 4: Crisis Management

Lesson 5: Legal

Lesson 6: Communication and Record Keeping

Senior Command Team

(Not Applicable for this playbook.)

Emergency Response Team Introduction

Lesson 1: Safe Person

Lesson 2: Threat, Risk and Situational Awareness

Lesson 3: Command and Control

Lesson 4: Emergency Response

Lesson 5: Life Support

Lesson 6: Sites and Utilities

Lesson 7: Environment and Communities

Lesson 8: Communications and Record Keeping

Lesson 9: Interaction between the Emergency Response Team and the Crisis Communication Team

Lesson 10: Legal

Document (linked)


Good Practice Guide 2 : Resilience through Response      

The planning process should be validated through a series of practical exercises.  This will ensure that the plan's content is appropriate and can be practically enacted.  Exercising can be carried out in a variety of methods, including full-scale simulations, focused exercises, tabletop events, and facilitated discussions.

These events should be carried out regularly and as a minimum annually. They should involve all relevant managers and key stakeholders.