Cummins environmental stewardship goes back at least 60 years to the start of our remanufacturing business, through decades of meeting product emissions regulations starting in the U.S. in the 1970s and with a public voluntary goal for facility energy reduction in 2006.

Cummins views environmental sustainability with a comprehensive lens, from design to manufacture to end of life. Our priorities for sustainable consumption and production focus on three key action areas: reducing the company's carbon footprint; using fewer natural resources, and partnering to solve complex problems.

We currently have established strategies around the first two action areas, with five goals related to our facilities with a 2020 goal year:  energy intensity reduction, direct water use reduction, and water neutrality at 15 sites increasing the recycling rate, and zero disposal at 30 sites.  Two other goals are related to reducing fuel burned, thus reducing CO2 emissions, from our products in use, and a logistics goal for reducing CO2 per kilogram of goods shipped within the Cummins network.   

In 2017, we formalized teams focusing on sustainable material efficiency and new product efficiency and created design for sustainability principles.  


​Please refer to Prohibited Substances for CES 10903: Prohibited Substances (

​To read more about our actions and public goals, see our most recent sustainability report.