Supplier Handbook

The Cummins Supplier Handbook (Customer Specific Requirements) can be found on the Supplier Handbook page.        
Cummins Engineering Standards

Applicable Cummins Engineering Standards referenced in the Supplier Handbook 

CES 18287 - Barcode Labeling        
CES 18111 - Identification, Prod Item

(Note:  To view these standards, login to the secure Cummins Supplier Portal. If you are not a registered supplier on the Cummins Supplier Portal, please click the Contact Us button above to request an account through the Supplier Help Desk in coordination with your sourcing manager.)

Supplier Quality Dashboard

Access to a report to view Supplier KPIs for Monthly and 12 Month Averages can be found on the Supplier Quality Dashboard page. (Login is required.)

Supplier Quality Training

Appropriate training on several of our Quality tools and applications is located on the Supplier Quality Training page.


Six Sigma

What is Six Sigma?

The term "Six Sigma" means more than a statistical measure of predicted defects. At Cummins Inc., Six Sigma is really the banner for committed implementation of a focused business improvement program. Through aggressive application of this methodology, we have been able to solve business issues that have resisted solutions for years.

Why do we teach Six Sigma to our supply base?

  • A large percentage of our service and product cost is with our supply base, presenting opportunities for cost and quality improvements.
  • Since we have proven that Six Sigma works for cost reduction and quality improvement within Cummins, we also expect the same results within our supply base.
  • Six Sigma enables us to speak a common language with our suppliers with regard to improvement efforts.
  • Cummins values the Six Sigma approach and knows the benefits of doing business with Six Sigma Companies.

To Initiate a Project & Sign up for Training

  • Work with your contacts at Cummins to identify a project that will support the improvement of key performance indicators or reduce costs for Cummins.
  • Work jointly with Cummins to identify a Supplier belt and a Cummins co-belt. The Cummins co-belt and Purchasing Representative will draft the project charter and submit it for approval.
  • Upon charter approval, the Cummins co-belt will schedule training by providing the Supplier contact information & linking to project charter to the Cummins Master Black Belt.

View the Supplier Six Sigma Reference Guide (PDF, 574KB) at Cummins to learn more.

To learn more about Six Sigma, Cummins recommends the following links: