"Ethics are not situational; integrity not an act of convenience. Doing the right thing is only meaningful if we strive to do it every time and in every situation…"

Tim Solso

Former chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Cummins Inc.

You have very likely heard the expression that you are known by the company you keep. That usually applies to social relationships, but it is equally true of the customer-supplier relationship. For more than 90 years, Cummins Inc. has maintained very strong ethical standards for how it conducts business, and we want equal assurance from our suppliers. All existing and prospective suppliers to Cummins are expected to abide by the Supplier Code of Conduct, which seeks to ensure behavior that not only complies with applicable laws and regulations but also reflects a commitment to broader social responsibility.

It is only fair that you, as a current or future supplier, can be confident that Cummins will do its part to protect the relationship by the ethical behavior we exhibit. That is why we have a Code of Business Conduct – 10 principles that hold us accountable for our actions.

Code of Business Conduct

Cummins employees must read and verify annually that they understand and comply with the Cummins Code of Business Conduct.  As a potential supplier of Cummins, we want you to know how you can expect our employees to treat you and each other.

Ethics and Compliance

In addition to the Cummins Code of Business Conduct, please see our corporate website, https://www.cummins.com/company/ethics-and-compliance, for additional guidelines and information regarding ethics and compliance.