Major Update to the Cummins Global Packaging Standard

News | 20 Sep 2019

Major Update to the Cummins Global Packaging Standard for Production Parts (GPS-PP) and Global Packaging Standard New and Recon Parts: 

The Cummins Global Packaging Standards have gone through a major update to clarify and simplify the requirements for all Production and Aftermarket Parts Packaging being shipped to Cummins sites. These standards should be used as the design guide as the Supplier plans and designs the packaging for parts being shipped to Cummins locations. These Standards should be considered the benchmark for the development for the Packaging Data Sheets (PDS) that are to be submitted to Cummins prior to shipping parts to Cummins sites. Following the prescribed standards will improve our efforts for lower cost, better performance, improved sustainability and reduce the potential of additional supplier costs associated with non-conformance

We know that our partners may need to make arrangements to be compliant with these updated standards. In living within the Cummins Values of Integrity and Teamwork, we recognize that fact and will work with all suppliers to assure an easy transition. We require that: 

  • all current packaging solutions are compliant with the GPS-PP Rev. 1; and, 
  • all existing and new packaging is required to be in compliance with the updated GPS-PP Rev 2 and the Global Packaging Standard New and Recon Part Rev (dated 6/1/19) by no later than March 1, 2020.

In addition to the global standards, some sites have site-specific standards. All Suppliers need to review the Site-Specific Packaging Requirements and ensure compliance. 

Please visit the following page Standards & Processes (Supplier Portal) for details. 

For any questions please contact the Packaging Representative at the site that will be receiving the parts.