Contact Accounts Payable - Belgium

Cummins NV, Catenbergstraat 1, Industriezone 2, 2840 Rumst, BelgiumDBU Belgium BC632 – Cummins Belgium NV, Catenbergstraat 1, Industriezone 2, 2840 Rumst, Belgium

Belgium - Supplier Payments

Note: Please ignore this if your invoices are handled by EXL Service Czech Republic, s.r.o

Cummins NV, Catenbergstraat 1, Industriezone 2, 2840 Rumst, Belgium

For account inquiries and information regarding supplier invoice payments, please contact:

CBS Stockton/UK[email protected] 0044 1642 412 798

Please Send Invoices in PDF Format To:

[email protected]

Please ensure that your records are updated to minimize any delay to your payment and that your invoices continue to quote the correct invoice/bill-to address:

Cummins NV, 
Catenbergstraat 1, 
Industriezone 2, 
2840 Rumst, Belgium

  • Invoice/bill-to address must be shown on your invoice
  • Business delivery address must be shown on your invoice
  • Delivery/advice notes must be sent with the goods to the delivery address

Sending invoices via post:
Alternatively, invoices can be sent to our scanning center using the postal address below:
Cummins NV (BC367)
Belgium PO Box 120
NE24 9EP


Ensure that the Purchase Order Number – PO – and invoice match exactly:

  • Verify that all line items on the PO and invoice match exactly with regards to item description, unit of measure and quantity, unit price;
  • If there are any discrepancies or changes, communicate with the purchasing contact prior to invoicing. Inconsistencies will result in

Submit a complete and accurate invoice:

  • Your VAT Identification number must be clearly mentioned.
  • Our VAT Identification number also must be mentioned: BE428096632
  • The invoice must include the date of invoicing as well as a continuous invoice number.
  • The invoice must include the date/month of performance.
  • The Cummins issued PO number, MUST be included on the invoice.
  • Invoices should state part number and a description of the goods/services at the invoice line level.
  • The invoice must contain invoice lines that match the PO. No positive and negative line amounts may be included on the same invoice.
  • Credits or adjustments for returned goods or services must be issued in the form of a credit note.
  • The invoice must also contain your company name. Your supplier name must be the same as the name referred to on the PO.
  • Inform the purchasing contact of any changes to your supplier information, including supplier name or remittance address.
  • Invoice net amounts must be split by tax rate and tax exemption.

There are some restrictions on size and format of email attachments you must adhere to:

  • ​Only PDF invoices will be accepted.  All other invoice formats will be rejected.
  • Invoices that do not match the way the purchase order is written will be returned to suppliers as unable to process.​

Purchase Order Enquiries:

  • If you have any queries relating to PO number or details – please contact your usual contact in Belgium.

DBU Belgium BC632 – Cummins Belgium NV, Catenbergstraat 1, Industriezone 2, 2840 Rumst, Belgium

For account inquiries and information regarding supplier invoice payments, please contact:

CBS AP[email protected]0044 1642 412 2717
Our Preferred Method of Invoice Submission is via Email:
[email protected] and [email protected]

Please update your records to minimize any delay to your payment.  

Your invoices must continue to quote the correct invoice/bill to address (see below for 'ship to' addresses)

  • The invoice/bill to address must be shown on your invoice
  • Business Delivery Address must be shown on your invoice
  • Delivery/advice notes must be sent with the goods to the delivery address
  • Sending invoices in PDF format via email

There are some restrictions on size and format of email attachments you must adhere to:

  • ​Only PDF invoices will be accepted.  All other invoice formats will be rejected.
  • Invoices that do not match the way the purchase order is written will be returned to suppliers as unable to process.