Contact Accounts Payable – Africa

Ghana, Nigeria, and South Africa Supplier Payments 

For account inquiries and information regarding supplier invoice payments, please contact:

[email protected]

All emailed invoices should be forwarded to:

Cummins Global Logistics BCA4A    [email protected]
Cummins Filtration BC519    [email protected]
Cummins Nigeria BCA3N[email protected]


Operating Unit

Invoice Email Address

BW CDB Gaborone 639[email protected]
GH CGL Accra 810[email protected]
MA CMS Casablanca A9G[email protected]
MA CNARO Casablanca 859[email protected]
NG CWA Lagos 744[email protected]
ZA CSA Sandton 638[email protected]
ZA CAME Sandton 721[email protected]
ZM CZL Lusaka 697[email protected]

Please ensure the following is clearly shown on your invoices:

Invoice to: Specific Cummins company name - followed by

C/O Cummins Business Services Africa   
Private BagX7   

  • Business Delivery Address: As appropriate
  • VAT Registration Number
  • A valid Cummins Purchase Order Number

Please only email to ONE email address and please do not send duplicate copies.
There are some restrictions on size and format of email attachments you must adhere to:

  • ​Only PDF invoices will be accepted.  All other invoice formats will be rejected.
  • Invoices that do not match the way the purchase order is written will be returned to suppliers as unable to process.

All invoices for any other Cummins entities in Africa must be submitted to the address below without exception, to enable timely payment.      

Cummins Business Services AfricaCnr Bridal Veil and Howick Ave,
Waterfall City Ext 77,
Midrand 2090
Gauteng, South Africa 

(011) 589-8400 or 

(011) 589-8500​