Ariba FAQ's: Section 4

To view instructions on creating an order confirmation, please click "Read More"... Read More    

Yes, if you specify Est. Shipping Date or Est. Delivery Date information, it is applied to all line items... Read More    

To learn more about managing your order, please click the " Read More" link below. Read More 

Yes. To reject an order: From the PO view, click the Create Order Confirmation button and select to Confirm Entire Order, Update Line Items for individual line items or Reject Entire Order... Read More   

Yes. To confirm an order: Enter the quantity in the Confirm data entry field, click Details to enter the details regarding the price change... Read More  

Create Ship Notice using your Ariba account once items were shipped. Multiple ship notices per purchase order might be sent. Click the Create Ship Notice button... Read More    

To view detailed instructions on copying an existing invoice, please click the " Read More" link. Read More    

To view detailed instructions on conduction a quick search and a refined search, please click the " Read More" link. Read More  

If you configured your Invoice Notifications as noted earlier in this presentation, you will receive emails regarding invoice status. You can also check invoice status from the Outbox by selecting the invoice link... Read More    

If you configured your Invoice Notifications as noted earlier in this presentation, you will receive emails regarding invoice status. You can also check invoice status from the Outbox by selecting the invoice link... Read More    

If you configured your Invoice Notifications as noted earlier in this presentation, you will receive emails regarding invoice status. You can also check invoice status from the Outbox by selecting the invoice link... Read More  

If you configured your Invoice Notifications as noted earlier in this presentation, you will receive emails regarding invoice status. You can also check invoice status from the Outbox by selecting the invoice link... Read More    

Yes. To modify an existing invoice, click the outbox tab, then in the Invoice # column click a link to view the details of the invoice... Read More  

Yes. Reports help provide additional information and details on transactions on the Network in a comprehensive format... Read More

Yes. Configuring invoice archiving allows you to specify the frequency, immediacy, and delivery of zipped invoice archives... Read More