Contact Accounts Payable - US

US Supplier Payments
Type of Purchasing ActivityAP Email for Invoices ONLY 
Please Send Invoices in PDF Format
Email for questions about invoice/payment statusPhone NumberMailing Address
Operations Direct[email protected][email protected]1-877-377-4357 option 1, 1Cummins Business Services  
P.O. Box 290909  
Nashville, TN 37229-0909
Operations and CSSNA Indirect:  
PO's starting with IND
[email protected][email protected]1-877-377-4357 option 1, 1Cummins Business Services 
P.O. Box 290909  
Nashville, TN 37229-0909
CSSNA Direct and Indirect: 
CSSNA PO's NOT starting with IND
[email protected][email protected]1-877-480-6970 
option 2
Cummins Business Services 
P.O. Box 291989 
Nashville, TN 37229-0909

Effective 01 May 2023, the CBS Accounts Payable team's call center hours will be from 6:00 AM to 1:00 PM CST.

Please ensure the following is clearly shown on your invoices:

  • Invoice to: Specific Cummins company name
  • Remittance Address: As appropriate
  • A valid Cummins Purchase Order Number

There are some restrictions on size and format of email attachments you must adhere to:

  • ​Only PDF invoices will be accepted.  All other invoice formats will be rejected.
  • Invoices that do not match the way the purchase order is written will be returned to suppliers as unable to process.