Cummins provides Suppliers with self-service access to the Supplier Portfolio BOLT (Oracle Financial application) in order to communicate invoice and payment status.

This service is available for most invoices that are paid from one of Cummins' regional Accounts Payable departments.  Please also note that most Cummins distributors or Joint Ventures do not currently use the Oracle BOLT Finance system.

If you are an Accounts Receivable personnel and would like access to this service, please provide the following information to

  • Company name
  • Your first and last name
  • Your company's complete physical remit-to address
  • Your email address
  • Your phone number
  • Your job responsibility
  • Provide a copy of two (2) invoices (in English if possible), your company has submitted to Cummins more than 90 days ago. Please ensure each invoice clearly lists a valid Cummins purchase order number.

Within two business days, you will be registered to access this application. Once you are registered, you will receive two separate emails containing two different login information, one for the Cummins Supplier Portal (which gets you into the Cummins environment) and the other specifically for access to the Oracle application.

Video demonstration on how to use the Portfolio and Portfolio-Bolt applications.

Regional Cummins Accounts Payable departments will be able to answer any additional questions regarding your invoice and payment status. Please contact Accounts Payable for more information.

For further inquiries, contact