Products and Service Assistance

Indirect Suppliers

(Technical Ariba Queries Only)Ariba Supplier Network 

Supplier Help Desk

  • The Supplier Help Desk is here to support our current suppliers.
  • If you are a current Cummins supplier and have a question or issue please fill out the web form below.
  • Once your request has been submitted by clicking on the "Submit" button, You will receive an email notification that your ​request was received.
  • A supplier support representative will contact you within 24 hours of your submittal.

Note: If you do not receive a confirmation email, please resubmit or email us directly at [email protected].

If you are not a current Cummins supplier and would like to receive and application to be added as a prospective supplier.

Please go to through FAQ​​ before submitting the request.

Please answer all of the mandatory fields(*)

Please do not use numbers or special characters

The Supplier Help Desk responds to queries M-F between 8am and 5pm EST

1 + 2 =
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